‘Fields of Faith’ at NFM High School on Nov. 20
Students from all over Southwest will converge on local athletic fields to share their Christian faith with fellow students for an event called “Fields of Faith,” a partnership with the fellowship of Christian Athletes. North Fort Myers High School is one of those locations. The event is scheduled for Thursday, Nov. 20, from 6:30-8 p.m. taking this student-led national event to its fifth year. The event is free and open to eveyone. Activities include a special music performance and free food. More thant 400 people attended the same event in Collier County in October. For more information, call Shannon Beam at 239-272-9282 or visit online at www.swfloridafca.org. What started as 6,000 students in Oklahoma and Texas four years ago, ignited into a national launch in 2006 that reached over 50,000 students on 337 fields from coast to coast. Now, as word of the event’s impact spreads throughout schools, organizers have set a goal of 100,000 students participating in 500 fields in this second year of the nation wide push.
Information for individuals wanting organize a local Fields of Faith event is available at: www.FieldsofFaith.com.