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‘Fields of Faith’ at NFM High School on Nov. 20

By Staff | Nov 15, 2008

Students from all over Southwest will converge on local athletic fields to share their Christian faith with fellow students for an event called “Fields of Faith,” a partnership with the fellowship of Christian Athletes. North Fort Myers High School is one of those locations. The event is scheduled for Thursday, Nov. 20, from 6:30-8 p.m. taking this student-led national event to its fifth year. The event is free and open to eveyone. Activities include a special music performance and free food. More thant 400 people attended the same event in Collier County in October. For more information, call Shannon Beam at 239-272-9282 or visit online at www.swfloridafca.org. What started as 6,000 students in Oklahoma and Texas four years ago, ignited into a national launch in 2006 that reached over 50,000 students on 337 fields from coast to coast. Now, as word of the event’s impact spreads throughout schools, organizers have set a goal of 100,000 students participating in 500 fields in this second year of the nation wide push.

Information for individuals wanting organize a local Fields of Faith event is available at: www.FieldsofFaith.com.