Unidentified sender sought in drug trafficking case
Crime Stoppers is seeking for the public’s help in identifying a woman believed to be involved in a coast-to-coast drug trafficking case.
According to local law enforcement reports, last September, the Highway Parcel Team of the Lee County Sheriff’s Office intercepted a cardboard box, which had been sent from Arizona. Inside the box, officers discovered approximately 36 pounds of marijuana.
Detectives reportedly delivered the box to its intended destination in Lehigh Acres, and witnessed a man named Delroy Saddlar, 33, arrive at the residence and pick up the box. According to reports, Saddlar brought the box of drugs to another location in Lehigh and after an extended period of time, detectives observed a female at the residence place the box underneath a tree with a free flowing water sprinkler.
When detectives approached the female, and retrieved the box of marijuana, the woman allegedly told police that Saddlar had instructed her to put the box in water.
During their investigation, detectives learned that an unknown female in Arizona reportedly shipped the narcotics to Lee County. Surveillance photographs are being released of this woman, with the hope that someone will be able to identify her.
Detectives said that charges in this drug trafficking case are imminent against Saddlar. The woman in these photos is only wanted for questioning, at this point, authorities said.
Anyone with information on the identity of the woman in the photos, or the shipment of illegal drugs, is asked to call Crime Stoppers at 1-800-780-TIPS (8477). All callers will remain anonymous and will be eligible for up to $1,000 in cash rewards. Tips may also be made online at www.swflcrimestoppers.org.