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Homeowner’s presence halts burglary, suspects now sought

By Staff | Dec 16, 2008

Crime Stoppers is asking the public help identifying two unknown suspects who threw a rock through the front window of a north Cape Coral home Friday evening, then fled after their burglary plans went awry.

The victim told Cape Coral Police she was at home shortly before 6 p.m. Friday, watching television when an unknown white male rang her doorbell several times. When she didn’t answer the door, the suspect walked back down the driveway and spoke with a second suspect. The victim heard one of the men say “there was only a small dog that he can kick easily.” The two men appeared to leave the area, however several minutes later, one of the

men broke through the victim’s living room front window, and was halfway inside, when he realized the homeowner was indeed home.

Both men fled on foot, eastbound on the 2600 block of Northwest 11th Terrace.

Coincidentally, the victim’s husband told police that one day earlier, a suspicious man came to their door to try to tell magazine subscriptions. The man told thevictim he was fund raising for a school internship, so that he could study in London, doing work for the British Broadcasting Channel. However, the young man didn’t have any proof of his fund-raising efforts, and was turned away. The homeowner said when the man left, he appeared irritated and mumbled something incoherent while walking away. It is unknown, at this point, if the young man from the Thursday incident is involved with the burglary on Friday.

Two sketches of the burglary suspects are being released, in hopes that someone will recognize them. They are both believed to be in their early to mid 20s. The white suspect is approximately 5’8″, thin build, who was wearing jeans and a light colored sweatshirt during the break-in Friday evening. The second suspect is described as Hispanic, wearing jeans and a jean jacket, and a red bandana on his head. Both men face charges

of burglary to a residence with forced entry, and criminal mischief.

Crime Stoppers and Cape Coral police hope to hear from anyone who was in the area of Northwest 11th Terrace early Friday evening, who may have seen these men in the area. Anyone with information on these two suspects is asked to call Crime Stoppers at 1-800-780-TIPS (8477). All callers will remain anonymous and will be eligible for up to $1,000 in cash

rewards. Tips may also be made online at www.swflcrimestoppers.org.

Source: Lee County Sheriff’s Office CrimeStoppers